Vusala Abbasova / August 28, 2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Astrakhan Region Governor Igor Babushkin to take immediate action to pre...
Aybek Nurjanov / December 14, 2020
As environmental issues have long become some of the world’s most pressing challenges, countries across the globe are...
Aygul Ospanova / July 9, 2020
A team of World Health Organization (WHO) officials arrived in Turkmenistan on Tuesday to help Central Asia’s country...
Aygul Ospanova / December 17, 2019
Officials from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan agreed on Monday to launch a special working group that will work to restore...
Nazrin Gadimova / September 30, 2019
The government of Turkmenistan expressed its willingness to work towards solutions to some of the most pressing envir...
Nazrin Gadimova / August 27, 2018
Central Asia’s largest country is in a slippery situation. Its supply of drinking water per person has decreased from...
Aybek Nurjanov / March 2, 2018
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan agreed on Thursday to launch a special working group that will work to restore the Aral Sea...
Nazrin Gadimova / September 13, 2017
Concerned about global climate change, Kazakhstan is planning to launch a Regional Glaciological Center in the countr...